4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

WP 7.4 - Data Management

WP Manager: Nicholas Walton

List of members:

Name Function Affiliation
Harry Enke AIP
Jonathan Irwin QC and L1 pipeline development IoA
Mike Irwin Co-Leader WP 6.8 IoA
Kirill Makan WP 7.4.7 4PA AIP
Gal Matijevic Database system developer AIP
Alireza Molaeinezhad IoA
David Murphy CASU DMS team IoA
Leigh Smith QC and L1 pipeline development IoA
Simone Tampieri 4PA UHH
Nicholas Walton WPM 7.4, STSC IoA
C. Clare Worley ODG Systems Engineer IoA