4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

S17 - Transform our Understanding of the Baryon Cycle with High-Resolution Quasar Spectroscopy (ByCycle)

Survey PI: Celine Peroux

List of members (23 total)

Name Affiliation
Ramona Augustin AU
Fabian Balzer MPE
Maria-Rosa Cioni AIP
Johan Comparat MPE
Simon Driver ICRAR
Alejandra Fresco MPE
Antonella Garzilli EPFL
Aleksandra Hamanowicz STScI
Anne Klitsch NBI
Matthias Kluge MPE
Jean-Paul Kneib EPFL
Jens-Kristian Krogager CRAL
Joe Liske UHH
Andrea Merloni MPE
Dylan Nelson ARI
Celine Peroux ESO
Johan Richard CRAL
Mara Salvato MPE
Patricia Schady Bath
Yue Shen CfA
Roland Szakacs ESO
Simon Weng ESO
Qian Yang CfA