4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

S11 - White Dwarf Binary Survey (WDB)

Survey PI: Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas, Odette Toloza

List of members (35 total)

Name Affiliation
Diogo Belloni USM
Elme Breedt IoA
Maria Camisassa CU Boulder
Jesus Corral-Santana ESO
Tim Cunningham Warwick
Domitilla de Martino OAC
Alessandro Ederoclite CEFCA
Boris Gaensicke Warwick
Stephan Geier Potsdam
Nicola Gentile Fusillo ESAC
Matthew Green TAU
keith Inight Warwick
Thomas Kupfer TTU
Jesus Maldonado OAPa
Thomas Marsh Warwick
Anna Francesca Pala ESAC
Steven Parsons Sheffield
Ingrid Pelisoli Warwick
Roberto Raddi UPC
Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas UPC
Nicole Reindl Potsdam
Juanjuan Ren n/a
Pablo Rodríguez-Gil IAC
Snehalata Sahu Warwick
Simone Scaringi Durham
Linda Schmidtobreick ESO
Matthias Schreiber USM
Axel Schwope AIP
Danny Steeghs Warwick
Paula Szkody UW
Odette Toloza USM
Silvia Toonen UvA
Santiago Torres UPC
Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay Warwick
Monica Zorotovic UV