4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

S10 - Time-Domain Extragalactic Survey (TiDES)

Survey PI: Isobel Hook

List of members (44 total)

Name Affiliation
Harry Addison Surrey
David Alexander Durham
Timo Anguita UNAB
Simon Birrer AU
Thomas Collett ICG
Tamara Davis UQ
Suhail Dhawan IoA
Jose Diego Rodriguez IFCA
Jamie Dumayne Lancaster
Richard Ellis UCL
Alexander Fritz n/a
Christopher Frohmaier Southampton
Poshak Gandhi Southampton
Raphael Gavazzi IAP
Or Graur ICG
Sebastian Hoenig Southampton
Isobel Hook Lancaster
Peter Jonker SRON
Young-Lo Kim Lancaster
Chris Lidman ANU
Kate Maguire TCD
Kaisey Mandel IoA
Richard McMahon IoA
Andrew Milligan Lancaster
Carole Mundell Bath
Nicola R. Napolitano OAC
Robert Nichol Surrey
Matt Nicholl Birmingham
Sandra Raimundo NBI
Johan Richard CRAL
Patricia Schady Bath
Anowar Shajib UChicago
Brooke Simmons Lancaster
Dominique Sluse ULiège
Stephen Smartt QUB
Graham Smith Birmingham
Alessandro Sonnenfeld Leiden
Matthias Steinmetz AIP
Mark Sullivan Southampton
Crescenzo Tortora OAC
Aprajita Verma Oxford
Carolin Villforth Bath
Maria Vincenzi ICG
Philip Wiseman Southampton