4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

Register as a new 4MOST member

Everyone involved in 4MOST, whether as a scientist in one of the 4MOST surveys, as an engineer in the construction, as a software developer, manager or board member, needs to be registered in the 4MOST Management System (4MS). This system takes care of the many issues surrounding the management of a large collaboration like 4MOST, such as keeping track of the users' membership in the many sub-groups of the project, like surveys, working groups, work packages, etc., and subscriptions to email lists.

Below we request the information required for you to join the project.

Note that this registration process should not be your first contact with 4MOST. If you are a scientist looking to join one of the 4MOST surveys you should already have been in contact with the survey PI(s) to discuss your scientific interests in, and contributions to that survey. Similarly, if you are joining the project in some other capacity you should have been in touch with a 4MOST representative who asked you to register here.

If your affiliation is not listed here, you can have it added via the 4MOST Helpdesk by email to help@4most.eu and continue your registration once it is added. Alternatively select 'not listed' and add it yourself, once your registration was processed. Note that your registration will be considered as coming from a non-consortium institute in that case.

Please note that, following the submission of this form, your registration will be forwarded to the relevant person within 4MOST for further processing, which may take a few days to complete.

User details

Username Please use only lower case letters, numbers and underscores
Retype password
First name
Last name
Email address
CAPTCHA: Name the season (e.g. Summer) during which snow falls.
Please confirm that you have read and will observe the 4MOST Code of Conduct.

The scientific programme of 4MOST is organized in a collection of Consortium and Community Surveys. Some of these were initiated by the 4MOST Consortium while others were initiated by the ESO community.

Will you be working within one of these surveys, either in a scientific capacity or in a more technical role? Please note that survey membership is goverened by Section 6 of the Science Team Policies.

Since you are not a member of a 4MOST Consortium institute and since you will not be working within one of the surveys, it is not clear why you want to join 4MOST.

Please provide additional information about why you are signing up (e.g. "Contractor for Work Package X").

Are you a student (incl. PhD students)?
Is your supervisor already a member of 4MOST? If so, please select their name.

If your supervisor is not listed here but you believe that he or she should be listed here, then please contact your supervisor to resolve the situation before proceeding, i.e. your supervisor needs to register before you do. When in doubt contact the Helpdesk for further support.

Are you registering as a collaborator? Collaborators are non-4MOST scientists who have been invited to join or even lead a specific 4MOST science project. Collaborators do not join the 4MOST Science Team, but may be granted access to non-public, survey-specific 4MOST data for the purpose of carrying out this project.

Please select the survey you would like to join (as a member) or be associated with (as a collaborator).