4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

IWG3 - Pipeline Calibration and Science Verification

IWG Head: Marica Valentini, Dimitri Gadotti

List of members:

Name Affiliation
Franz Bauer PUC
Ricardo Carrera OAPd
Norberto Castro AIP
Johan Comparat MPE
Francesco Damiani OAPa
Valentina D'Orazi OAPd
Dimitri Gadotti Durham
Guillaume Guiglion MPIA
Neeraj Gupta IUCAA
Jens-Kristian Krogager CRAL
Thomas Kupfer TTU
Sara Lucatello OAPd
Romain Lucchesi AU
John Lucey Durham
Laura Magrini OAA
Amata Mercurio OAC
Thibault Merle ULB
Joana Oliveira Keele
Emanuela Pompei ESO
Bridget Ratcliffe AIP
Johan Richard CRAL
Vincenzo Ripepi OAC
Patricia Schady Bath
Aldo Serenelli ICE-CSIC
Gregor Traven UNILJ
Marica Valentini AIP
Antonella Vallenari OAPd
Mathieu Van der Swaelmen OAA
Jörg Weingrill AIP
Nicholas Wright Keele
Eleonora Zari MPIA