4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

IWG8 - Extragalactic Analysis Pipeline

IWG Head: Luke Davies, Scott Croom, Jens-Kristian Krogager

List of members:

Name Affiliation
Fabian Balzer MPE
Sabine Bellstedt ICRAR
Maria Bergemann MPIA
Igor Chilingarian CfA
Maria-Rosa Cioni AIP
Johan Comparat MPE
Guilherme Couto AIP
Scott Croom SIFA
Giuseppe D'Ago PUC
Luke Davies ICRAR
Kirill Grishin n/a
Darshan Kakkad STScI
Young-Lo Kim Lancaster
Matthias Kluge MPE
Jens-Kristian Krogager CRAL
Marcella Longhetti OAB
Chandreyee Maitra MPE
Andrea Merloni MPE
Alireza Molaeinezhad IoA
Matt Owers AAO-MQ
Celine Peroux ESO
Bianca Poggianti OAPd
Johan Richard CRAL
Boudewijn Roukema UMK
Khaled Said UQ
Mara Salvato MPE
Tom Shanks Durham
Stephen Smartt QUB
Alessandro Sonnenfeld Leiden
Ole Streicher AIP
Roland Szakacs ESO
Edward Taylor CAS
Donald Terndrup OSU
Stijn Wuyts Bath