4MOST - Test instance (handle with care)
4-m Test instance
4MOST - Test

SCB - Science Coordination Board

Board Chair: Joe Liske, Michelle Cluver

List of members:

Name Affiliation
Franz Bauer PUC
Thomas Bensby LU
Maria Bergemann MPIA
Angela Bragaglia OAS
Cristina Chiappini AIP
Norbert Christlieb LSW
Maria-Rosa Cioni AIP
Michelle Cluver CAS
Johan Comparat MPE
Simon Driver ICRAR
Christopher Haines INCT
Michael Hayden SIFA
Isobel Hook Lancaster
Jean-Paul Kneib EPFL
Karin Lind SU
Paulina Lira DAS
Joe Liske UHH
Jon Loveday US
Sara Lucatello OAPd
Vincenzo Mainieri ESO
Andrea Merloni MPE
Ivan Minchev AIP
Celine Peroux ESO
Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas UPC
Johan Richard CRAL
Giuseppe Germano Sacco OAA
Ása Skúladóttir UNIFI
Else Starkenburg RuG
Edward Taylor CAS
Odette Toloza USM
Antonella Vallenari OAPd
C. Clare Worley IoA